december january

Calendar of Events

M Monday

T Tuesday

W Wednesday

T Thursday

F Friday

S Saturday

S Sunday


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Juan Pablo Plazas, JPP

Opening Night

Ryo Nakajima & Zhixin Angus Liao, Cigarette music

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Gato por liebre: Angus & Remplazas


Edouard Pagant: The Flat

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Jeremiah Day: Getting Moving, Talking, Making

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Jeremiah Day presents: Background Briefing – Artists Readings

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Juan Pablo Plazas, JPP

Juan Pablo Plazas, JPP, 2022
All of a sudden

For a long time I have been thinking about what it means to have a name. What a name does to your identity and why we seem to be possessed by this invisible power called identity. I asked myself recently, is it possible to transfer your name to someone? Does it mean that identities are transferable? I found a possible answer in initials last year.

Opening Night

A glittering ruin sucked upwards opens with a series of live performances, including music, poetry and readings activating the exhibition at variable times, during the whole evening. Featuring, among others, acts by/with Wim De Pauw & Hamed Dehqan, Zhixin Angus Liao, Juan Pablo Plazas and guests.

Ryo Nakajima & Zhixin Angus Liao, Cigarette music

Based on a score found in the La Fonderie Archives, Brussels.

Ryo Nakajima was born in Chiba (Japan) in 1992. He obtained a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree at the Tokyo University of the Arts. In 2013, he was chosen by the university to play as a soloist with the professional philharmonic orchestra “Geidai”. Since 2016, he first studied at the CRR of Versailles with Mr. Vincent DAVID, then CRR of Paris with Mr. Philippe PORTEJOIE, and finally at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance of Paris (CNSMDP) with Mr. Claude DELANGLE and Ms. Hae-Sun Kang. He has performed in many concerts, recitals and concertos with different orchestras.

As part of Zhixin Angus Liao’s research entitled AGOSSETSITE.

Gato por liebre: Angus & Remplazas

For now instead of meat soup you will have veggie delicacies, and instead of Felipe you will get Juan. It all began when Linda made Knödels for everyone. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a ball shaped meal where every ingredient can be replaced by another. What’s important is that it stays a ball. We got so used to eating together in the Gosset space of the HISK. This time we want to invite you to lunch with us while you hear stories about replacements.

Edouard Pagant: The Flat

Reading of a short story written by the artist.


“Quand il a fallu s’enfermer chez soi et réduire nos mouvements vers l’extérieur, les quatre murs de l’appartement se sont peu à peu collés à ma peau. Chaque jour la frontière entre mon épiderme et les parois se rétrécissait comme dans un moule. Partant du bas, les pieds et les jambes s’étaient ramollis pour adopter les angles et les recoins intérieurs; les hanches, le buste et les bras avaient suivi l’élan donné; seules les extrémités – tête, main, sexe et anus – avaient conservé leur état initial; le reste s’était liquéfié puis remodelé au gabarit de la surface.”


“When one had to lock oneself up at home and reduce one’s movements towards the outside, bit by bit the four walls of the flat started sticking to my skin. Every day, the border between my epidermis and the walls was shrinking, like in a mould. Starting from the bottom, my feet and legs had softened to adopt the form of inner angles and recesses; hips, chest and arms had followed the impetus; only the extremities – head, hand, sex and anus – had retained their initial state; the rest had liquefied and then reshaped to the size of the surface.”
The Flat.

Jeremiah Day: Getting Moving, Talking, Making

In this short intensive workshop Jeremiah Day will get us up and moving-and-talking, working with Simone Forti’s Logomotion methods to spark new short improvisational pieces. This work comes from dance and the visual arts, not theater, and offers a surprising and easy entry into performing. The workshop will start with a physical warm up, some improvisational games and lead to making short works of “real-time-composition.”

The workshop builds on the tradition of “new dance” and how it continues to propose a counter model to both the “show business” and “high” models of performance and culture, and instead offers a still relevant model of art as a central and public element of what Hannah Arendt called “the web of human relationships.”

An invitation by Juan Pablo Plazas.


Jeremiah Day presents: Background Briefing – Artists Readings

This will launch the new version of the HISK reading group. Titled “Background Briefing” this builds on the conversation running since 2021 with its aim to give essential context to contemporary practices of research in the arts. This new version takes up the success of the guest lecture series and now invites those guests to present a text that they feel could be relevant for the moment the artists of HISK are facing. As before the focus is on “table readings” – sharing the text together through reading aloud and discussion, with no previous work with the texts or writers necessary.